
My guest blog, My Memoir Room, is up on Brevity’s Nonfiction Blog. I wrote it after my first week as an MFA student, inspired by my Intro to Narrative Medicine class.


Grown and Flown, a website focused on supporting parents of teens and young adults, published my short essay on defeating those inner voices that diminish motherhood as not enough.


In May 2024, I will complete the Bay Path University’s Creative Nonfiction MFA program, with a certificate in Narrative Medicine. My focus is on patient narratives, personal essays, memoirs, flash nonfiction, and autobiographical story stories.

Through life experience, I can also participate passionately in conversations on psychology, neurobiology, motherhood, disorders of the jaw and ear, birth order, pet therapy, & cookies.


Subscribe to my Substack newsletter Easily Fascinated for 5 Minutes where I write 700 words or less about things you might find as fascinating as I do. I want you to feel a little less ugh, a little more connection, and a lot more curious.

Also, see When We Were Seven, an Instagram collection of writings, movies, books, memes…anything related to how adults tell stories about being age 7.

Jen Machajewski is a writer of creative non-fiction and short stories currently attending Bay Path University’s Creative Non-Fiction MFA program, with a certificate in Narrative Medicine. She’s wants to help get patient stories in front of doctors, including her own.

As a former technical writer, her work has included writing and editing: instruction manuals, training guides, and newsletters for non-profits and Fortune 500 companies. She lives near Austin, Texas where she enjoys learning piano and making ugly, delicious cookies.